Sunday, February 5, 2017

How to Build Close Relation Between Family Members

pic source: pinterest
Gathered with family is a dream for everyone. Some people set aside a special time for the family. There are several ways that you can use to form a happy family although constrained by time and distance. Check it out

Breakfast is the most fitting assembled before starting the activity. At breakfast we could get together with family and ask what activities are already passed on the previous day and what has been planned on this day. By getting open with family members through small talk can help a happy family in a simple way.

Family time hours
Creating a special time for the family is the first necessity paced era of instant and technology literacy as it is now. Family time hours may be applied to the hours after work at around 19:00 to 21:00. Accompany children do schoolwork with catapult jokes and small talk accompanied by tea and a favorite snack of children is the right time to build closeness with the family.

No phone
In the past when people were asked choose not to carry a cell phone or wallet then the answer is rather not carry a cell phone. But in contrast to the present, when the question is asked, the answer is almost 75% is better not bring wallet than doesn't bring mobile phone. Therefore, while it is hanging out with family or interacting with family, family members can apply the rules should not hold the phone or collect phone middle of the table when being assembled. Doing this way can strengthen the bond between family members besides it also can reduce dependence by mobile phone.

Vacations are a great way to upgrade the mind and brain of the load in the office or at school. Now it is also an effective way to form a happy family. Took time to spend the day for a holiday with the family can also be a form of appreciation when children have successfully completed their school obligations in one semester. Vacation can be various ways such as swimming at the hotel, visit the zoo, camping behind the house, or outbound.

Give a gift
Gift is a way to strengthen the relationship. To form a happy family, you can familiarize exchange gifts or to give each other gifts at certain times, for example when a birthday or when other special moments.

Well that is some way to strengthen the relationship with the family to form a happy family. Have you already done?

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